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Service Template

A Service Template is a template Service which defines the hierarchy of related services. Actual services are then created by "instantiating" a service template. These instantiated services are referred to as "Service Instances" or "Service Records".

A service template must be in status 'Approved' to be instantiated. Some service attributes are optional at the template level but mandatory for service instances.

In This Chapter

Creating a Service Template

Copying a Service Template

Deleting Service Templates

Service Parameter

Service Parameter Type

Parameter Type/Class and Measure Units

Service Measures

Service Options and Option Groups

Easy Creation of Multiple Similar Service Parameters

Creating Subordinated Services

Approving a Service Template

Service Instances

See Also

Using the Service Functionality

Pricing Model

Service Level Agreements

Generating Distributions

Business Partner Categories

Responsibility Assignment Matrix

Generating a Product Catalog from the Service Catalog

Service Level Requirement

The Sell Service Process

The Navigate Action