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Easy Creation of Multiple Similar Service Parameters

More service parameters can be created simply by using the 'Copy with references' function in the 'Service Parameters' tab.

  1. Select a service parameter in the list and call the 'Copy with references' action (the button at the bottom of the tab or context menu action 'Copy').
  2. A copy of the parameter opens in an editor. Edit it to create a suitable variant, e.g. change the Service Option from 'Silver' to 'Gold' and adjust the parameters accordingly.
  3. Save the new service parameter.

This way, a set of similar service parameters can be created.

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Parameters with no Service Option will be offered universally, i.e. independently on general Service Option of the service. For example, a descriptive service parameter could be created:

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The full array of service parameters created in the above described way could, for example, look like this:

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See Also

Service Template

Creating a Service Template

Copying a Service Template

Deleting Service Templates

Service Parameter

Service Parameter Type

Parameter Type/Class and Measure Units

Service Measures

Service Options and Option Groups

Creating Subordinated Services

Approving a Service Template

Service Instances