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Approving a Service Template

The service template needs to be approved before it can be used for creation of service instances.

  1. In the catalog of templates, call the 'Approve' action (context menu or button).
  2. If the service is a top service, then a pop-up asking whether the subordinated services should also receive the new status gets displayed.

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About Service Template Statuses

  • Once a service template is approved, it can no longer be edited. If modifications are necessary, a copy needs to be created and modified. The new copy of the template will receive a higher version number.
  • A service template which is not used anymore should be sent to status 'Retired'.
  • Although the real use of service templates should follow the standard 'Draft - Approved - Retired' status flow, it is (e.g. for testing purposes) possible to send a service template or service instance from status 'Approved' back to status 'Draft'. This can be done by action 'Back to Draft' available only in the 'Services - All' catalog.

Back to Draft

To use the action:

  1. Switch to the 'Administration' section of the 'Service Level Manager' sidebar
  2. Open the 'Services - All' catalog
  3. Select one or more service templates or service instance in status 'Approved' (note that the catalog displays both service templates and instances, service templates can be recognized by a check mark in the 'Is Template' catalog column.)
  4. Click the 'Back to Draft!' button at the bottom of the catalog.
  5. Status of the selected service(s) changes to 'Draft'. If the selected service has subordinated services, an option dialog for a simultaneous status change of subordinated services is displayed.

Remember that the action does not comply with standard Valuemation processes and should by reserved for administration purposes only.

See Also

Service Template

Creating a Service Template

Copying a Service Template

Deleting Service Templates

Service Parameter

Service Parameter Type

Parameter Type/Class and Measure Units

Service Measures

Service Options and Option Groups

Easy Creation of Multiple Similar Service Parameters

Creating Subordinated Services

Service Instances