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Parameter Type/Class and Measure Units

Which Measure Units (e.i. values for the 'Measure Unit' attribute) are available for a particular Service Parameter depends on the Service Parameter Type and Class.

For example, to be able to specify 'Next Business Day' as a Measure Unit, the parameter must be of Service Parameter Type whose:

  • Service Parameter Class = 'Float with Unit...' or 'Integer with Unit...' (the 'Unit' part is important here), and whose
  • Measure Unit Type = 'Time'.

Only for parameters of such Service Parameter Type it is possible to select:

  • Measure Unit = 'Next Business Day'

For example, the Service Parameter Type called 'Response Time' could have:

  • Service Parameter Class = 'Float with Unit and Calendar'
  • Measure Unit Type = 'Time'

For each of the Service Parameters listed in the 'Service Parameters' tab of this Service Parameter Type it would be possible to select 'Next Business Day' as the Measure Unit.

Parameter 'Response Time' with Value = '3' and Measure Unit = 'Next Business Day' specifies that a response must be made by the end of the third work day after e.g. a ticket has been filed. For a ticket filed on Thursday this would mean a response by the end of Monday.

See Also

Service Template

Creating a Service Template

Copying a Service Template

Deleting Service Templates

Service Parameter

Service Parameter Type

Service Measures

Service Options and Option Groups

Easy Creation of Multiple Similar Service Parameters

Creating Subordinated Services

Approving a Service Template

Service Instances