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Deleting Service Templates

Two actions for service deletion are provided in respective (service templates, service instances) catalogs:

Service Templates

  • Delete

    Action deletes one or more selected service templates.

  • Delete all hierarchy

    Action deletes the selected service template together with all its subordinated services. The action cannot be called for multiple selected service templates.

    Calling the action displays a confirmation message informing about the inherent dangers of such complex delete action. Proceed with caution as unwanted hierarchy components deletion may break other service hierarchies.

    Attempting to delete a service in status 'Approved' produces an additional confirmation dialog. Upon confirmation, an 'Approved' service can also be deleted.

Service Instances

The same 'Delete' and 'Delete all hierarchy' actions exist also for service instances. There is, however, one notable restriction: a service instance which has at least one business partner assignment with a service agreement cannot be deleted. Trying to do so displays an information message informing about the problem.

Note: A service instance with assigned service agreements can by discontinued by setting its status as 'Retired'.

See Also

Service Template

Creating a Service Template

Copying a Service Template

Service Parameter

Service Parameter Type

Parameter Type/Class and Measure Units

Service Measures

Service Options and Option Groups

Easy Creation of Multiple Similar Service Parameters

Creating Subordinated Services

Approving a Service Template

Service Instances