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Copying a Service Template

An existing service template can be easily copied. Copying creates a new version of the original template so that it is always possible to track the origins of service templates and services.

To create a copy of a service template:

  1. Select the source service template in a templates catalog
  2. Call the 'Copy' action from the right-click context menu.
  3. You will be asked whether you want to copy all service hierarchy. Answer 'Yes' if you want to copy also all subordinated services of the source service, answer 'No' if only the source top service should be copied.

The newly created copy gets opened in the 'Edit: Service Template' editor. If the source service was of version n, the copy will be marked as (n+1) version. This can be seen in the 'Version' attribute on the 'Details' tab of the editor.

The same versioning functionality also applies to service instances.

What gets copied when a Service Template is copied?

The service template object has many relations to other service-related Valuemation objects. When a service template is copied, copies of some (but not all) of the related objects are also created and linked to the service template copy. Namely:

Related objects which get copied:

  • Service Parameters get copied
  • Pricing Models get copied
  • Subordinated services get copied (upon confirmation)

Relations and related objects which do not get copied:

  • Service instances do not get copied with the template copy
  • Assigned persons do not get copied, the new template is "tabula rasa" regarding person assignments
  • Superior Services do not get copied. If copying a service hierarchy is the intention, this should be done by copying the top service in the hierarchy together with its subordinated services.

See Also

Service Template

Creating a Service Template

Deleting Service Templates

Service Parameter

Service Parameter Type

Parameter Type/Class and Measure Units

Service Measures

Service Options and Option Groups

Easy Creation of Multiple Similar Service Parameters

Creating Subordinated Services

Approving a Service Template

Service Instances