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Pricing Model

Pricing Model contains information on the pricing structure of the service. It defines the price of a service (or other business offers) on the basis of existing service options.

One service can be offered with several service options, for instance in a Silver, Gold and Platinum variant. The availability of each service option to the customer may be determined by factors such as ordered amount of the service. Individual service options often differ in their respective service agreements and pricing. Pricing Model with Price Conditions specifies these relationships.

Strictly technically speaking, Pricing Model is linked to Service objects on two levels.

  • At the template level, when the service hierarchy is defined, an assignment of a pricing model is non-mandatory - it is possible to define a service hierarchy without a pricing model.
  • At the level of service instances, pricing models are mandatory. When a service instance is linked to a business partner, a pricing model also has to be specified. (The pricing model is actually linked to the linking object connecting the service with the business partner.)

Pricing Models are administered by the pricing models catalogs accessible from folder 'Service Pricing' in the 'Service Model' section of the 'Service Level Manager' sidebar.

  • Pricing Models - All

    Catalog displaying all existing pricing models

  • Pricing Models by Business Partners

    Catalog displaying pricing models filtered by business partners.

    The 'Business Partner using this Pricing Model' filter column lists business partners using at least one pricing model. Selecting a business partner in the column filters the catalog so that it displays only the pricing models used by the business partner

  • Pricing Models by Services

    Catalog displaying pricing models filtered by service instances in which they are used.

    Selecting a service instance in the 'Service Instance using this Pricing Model' filter column filters the catalog so that it displays only the pricing models used by the service instance.

In This Chapter

Creating a Pricing Model

Price Conditions

How Service Price Is Specified

Default Pricing Model

See Also

Using the Service Functionality

Service Template

Service Level Agreements

Generating Distributions

Business Partner Categories

Responsibility Assignment Matrix

Generating a Product Catalog from the Service Catalog

Service Level Requirement

The Sell Service Process

The Navigate Action