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Service Level Requirement

Action 'Request Service Template' makes it possible to propose the creation of a new service. In standard Valuemation, the action can be called from the 'Service Model' section of the 'Service Level Manager' sidebar.

Requesting a new service

  1. In the 'Service Level Manager' sidebar, expand the 'Service Model' section and call action 'Request Service Template'.
  2. The 'Edit: Service Template' editor opens. Specify the name of the proposed new service and an arbitrary ID. Select which 'Service Type' and 'Domain' you expect the proposed service to be and use the 'Description' field to describe the service. Remember to specify required service quality and availability.

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  3. Click 'OK' to finalize the request.

Filling in and saving the requirement form triggers predefined business process which takes care of standardized request processing.

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See Also

Using the Service Functionality

Pricing Model

Service Template

Service Level Agreements

Generating Distributions

Business Partner Categories

Responsibility Assignment Matrix

Generating a Product Catalog from the Service Catalog

The Sell Service Process

The Navigate Action