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Problem Management Use Cases

The goal of Problem Management is to prevent recurrence of Incidents and to minimize the impact of Incidents that cannot be prevented.

A Problem is an underlying issue that could lead to one or more Incidents (that is events that disrupt normal operation). The cause is usually unknown at the time of Problem Record creation.

Problem management also deals with Workarounds. A workaround reduces or eliminates the impact of an Incident or Problem for which a full resolution is not yet available. Workarounds for Problems are documented in Known Error records. Known Error is a problem that has a documented root cause and a workaround. Known Errors are created and managed throughout their life cycle by Problem Management.

To work with Valuemation Problem management, you need to have one of Problem-related business views selected in the business view selector. Which business views are available in the selector depends on the currently logged in user.

In This Chapter

Create a Problem Directly

Create a Problem from an Unsolved Incident

Create a Problem According to Incident Analysis

Create a Problem according to a Model Ticket

Assign a Problem

Accept and Edit a Problem (Analysis)

Confirm / Decline a Problem

Problem RCA

Cause + Problem solution found

Cause Found: Create + Assign Error

Accept Error Solution

Request Error Solution

Create and Assign Workaround

Workaround - Editing Process

Workaround - Approval/Rejection

Workaround - Complete

Problem and Error Control

Major Problem Review

Problem Reporting

Search Solution in KC

KB Proposal

Relate 'N' Systems or Components to an Incident/Problem

See Also

Problem Management

Problem Manager at a Glance

Important Object Types

Important Use Cases

Object Types

Related Information