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Assign a Problem

Role: Problem Support

Reference user: -REF-PRS

Process: Forwarding a Problem

When a problem needs to be revised by another support group, it must be reassigned.

  1. With the problem opened in the editor, click the Assign Problem button.

    The Ticket Forwarding pop-up window opens.

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    Here you can provide the assignment information, i.e. specify the new support group and sometimes a specific support group person to work on this incident.

    Note: When forwarding a ticket, more than one know-how profile can match. In this case, the list of available support groups will be prefiltered according to the know-how profile. An additional note is shown in the forwarding view prompting you to choose one of the suggested supportgroups which the ticket should be forwarded to.

    You can also specify emailing options (should an email be sent, what type of email).

  2. Fill in the necessary forwarding information.
  3. Click OK to complete.

    Note: Only a support group that has the corresponding authorization can work on a Problem ticket. Otherwise the above described action(s) will not be available.

See Also

Problem Management Use Cases

Create a Problem Directly

Create a Problem from an Unsolved Incident

Create a Problem According to Incident Analysis

Create a Problem according to a Model Ticket

Accept and Edit a Problem (Analysis)

Confirm / Decline a Problem

Problem RCA

Cause + Problem solution found

Cause Found: Create + Assign Error

Accept Error Solution

Request Error Solution

Create and Assign Workaround

Workaround - Editing Process

Workaround - Approval/Rejection

Workaround - Complete

Problem and Error Control

Major Problem Review

Problem Reporting

Search Solution in KC

KB Proposal

Relate 'N' Systems or Components to an Incident/Problem