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Accept and Edit a Problem (Analysis)

Role: Problem Support

Reference user: -REF-PRS

Process: Accepting, editing and analyzing a Problem

The Problem was created, assigned and then accepted to begin working on it. The work starts with a rough analysis of the problem after which the Problem needs to be checked by the Problem Manager to confirm the problem case.

  1. The Problem is found in the Problem group catalog, opened for editing and accepted by clicking the Accept Problem button.
  2. An acceptance dialog opens. The Take overall responsibility question needs to be answered with Yes so that responsibility is taken over by the Problem supporter.
  3. Having examined the problem, click the Analyzed button.

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  4. A new ticket description editor opens which you should now fill with the result of this examination (analysis). Note that with the Ticket Descriptions, the Problem Record contains a full historical description.

    Clicking 'OK' on the ticket description closes the ticket description editor. This kind of analysis and evaluation leads to a Status change: The Status of the Problem ticket changes to 'Analyzed' and the Problem is automatically forwarded to the Problem Manager for a confirmation of the analysis result.

    The next step is finding a solution and closing the Problem. Please see the 'Cause + Problem solution found' topic.

See Also

Problem Management Use Cases

Create a Problem Directly

Create a Problem from an Unsolved Incident

Create a Problem According to Incident Analysis

Create a Problem according to a Model Ticket

Assign a Problem

Confirm / Decline a Problem

Problem RCA

Cause + Problem solution found

Cause Found: Create + Assign Error

Accept Error Solution

Request Error Solution

Create and Assign Workaround

Workaround - Editing Process

Workaround - Approval/Rejection

Workaround - Complete

Problem and Error Control

Major Problem Review

Problem Reporting

Search Solution in KC

KB Proposal

Relate 'N' Systems or Components to an Incident/Problem