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Problem RCA

Role: Problem Support

Reference user: -REF-PRS

Process: Analyzing Problem cause

A ticket that has been confirmed (i.e. not declined) can be further processed. When the analysis of the problem cause is finished, the error process starts.

  1. The confirmed Problem ticket is found in the Problem-Groups catalog. It needs to be accepted by calling the Work on action (problem catalog right-click menu or editor button).
  2. With the Problem ticket now opened in the editor, two courses of action are available:
    • Click Assign for Analyze to forward the ticket for further investigation (analysis) by another support group.
    • Click Root Cause Analyze to actively proceed with finding the Problem root cause. Status of the Problem changes to 'Root Cause Analyze' and a new set of actions becomes available (actions related to root cause and solution finding).
    • If necessary, create (one or more) activities to delegate a special work to different Support Groups for analysis and investigation.

See Also

Problem Management Use Cases

Create a Problem Directly

Create a Problem from an Unsolved Incident

Create a Problem According to Incident Analysis

Create a Problem according to a Model Ticket

Assign a Problem

Accept and Edit a Problem (Analysis)

Confirm / Decline a Problem

Cause + Problem solution found

Cause Found: Create + Assign Error

Accept Error Solution

Request Error Solution

Create and Assign Workaround

Workaround - Editing Process

Workaround - Approval/Rejection

Workaround - Complete

Problem and Error Control

Major Problem Review

Problem Reporting

Search Solution in KC

KB Proposal

Relate 'N' Systems or Components to an Incident/Problem