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Search Solution in KC

A Problem exists. The Problem solution is being searched for and finally found in the Knowledge Center.

This Problem work can be finished by two possible statuses: 'User Informed' or directly 'Closed' (the Problem is directly solved and information to end user is not necessary).

  1. Continue with the opened Problem.

    Help Image

  2. Click the Search Solution button to initiate the Knowledge Center search.

    The shorttext of the main description is already pre-filled in the query field and the Knowledge Center search starts automatically (within the Knowledge Center).

    Depending on the configuration, a preview of the solution documents can be shown as well.

  3. In the list of search results, select the desired documents.
  4. Switch back to Valuemation and click the Help Image 'Use Solution' button.

    A catalog with the selected documents will be displayed (i.e. now within Valuemation).

  5. Click 'OK' to add the selected documents as new ticket descriptions.

    In essence, the links to the selected documents have been transfered into Valuemation.

    Note: Each document will be added as a single ticket description.

See Also

Problem Management Use Cases

Create a Problem Directly

Create a Problem from an Unsolved Incident

Create a Problem According to Incident Analysis

Create a Problem according to a Model Ticket

Assign a Problem

Accept and Edit a Problem (Analysis)

Confirm / Decline a Problem

Problem RCA

Cause + Problem solution found

Cause Found: Create + Assign Error

Accept Error Solution

Request Error Solution

Create and Assign Workaround

Workaround - Editing Process

Workaround - Approval/Rejection

Workaround - Complete

Problem and Error Control

Major Problem Review

Problem Reporting

KB Proposal

Relate 'N' Systems or Components to an Incident/Problem