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Creating a Simple Search View

The Simple Search definition is one of the key functions of the View customizer. For this functionality, a special kind of view must be defined. These views usually contain a limited number of fields most likely to be used to perform regular searches. They then get displayed in the upper part of a catalog window as an alternative to the Complex Search option. For more information, please also refer to the 'Searching and Filtering in Catalogs' topic in the Valuemation Essentials section.

Note: When creating a new Simple Search view, a number of the shown fields is limited only to those which make sense in respect of the Simple Search functionality. The only available fields are 'Name', 'Formatter/View' and 'Mandatory'.

To create a Simple Search View, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Object type browser, select the object for which a Simple Search should be created.
  2. On the related 'Views' tab, click 'Create Simple Search View'.

    A simplified version of the View Customizer in the correct mode for Simple Search opens.

    There are only the following tabs available: Group Layout, Modules and Preview.

  3. Now it is possible to define the required attributes in the usual way.

    It is recommended that the Simple Search View should be kept to a few attributes.

    • The Modules tab is the same as in the normal View Customizer and can be used to assign this particular Simple Search View to a particular module.
    • The Preview Tab shows the Simple Search as it will look when it is called from a Catalog.
  4. Click 'Apply' to save the Simple Search View and 'Close' to close the View Customizer.

Note: You can always check how the selected setting exactly behaves using the preview of the View being customized.

Choice box, List Control and Radio Buttons for 1:N (N:1) Relations

Note that for Relation Object Value Sets, it is possible to add choice/list/radio controls for 1:N or N:1 relations to the Simple Search view definition. Using the combo box, it is easy to select the required element for the Simple Search View. The Formatter/View option in the 'Properties' tab below allows you to further specify the settings.


  1. A 'List Control' type for the 'Address [facility]: Location - Address' attribute has been selected.
  2. The Simple Search View would list appropriate addressed in a list box.
  3. Now it is possible to search for the locations by the address (facility) in the 'Location Rooms' catalog.

You can also define the 'reverse' (1:N) view so that it would be possible to search for the address (facility) by the locations. Note that first it is necessary to have the 'opposite' Relation Object Value Set defined. Then if a 'List Control' type for the 'Rooms [locations]: Collection of Location - Room' attribute has been selected for the View definition, you can easily find the required facility with the specified location using the 'Search' function in the Simple Search View.

List Control Properties

Compared to the standard List Control formatter properties for a common View, there are two special properties available when a 'List Control' has been selected:

  • Multiple Selection Mode

    If selected, it enables you to make multiple selections in the List Box (see the picture above).

  • Filter Condition

    Here you can define a condition to limit the number of items in the List box according to your requirements.

In This Chapter

Adding Search by Collection Attributes

Assigning a Simple Search View to a Catalog

See Also

Designing a View

Adding/Removing Attributes

Adding Label and Separator


Horizontal Proportion Bar

Managing Groups

Adding Actions

Changing the Layout: More Options

Specifics of the Reference View

Pictures in Views

Rich Text Control Customization

Creating a One Cell Reference View

Default View vs Default Catalog