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Object Type Browser in Detail

The Customization Browser consists of the main Object Type browser and the related browsers for catalogs, views, relations, rules, calculations and value sets. Each browser is a separate window in which you can see a table of objects and the related actions.

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All the browsers can be used either independently or they can be interlinked using the 'Link with Object Types' check box. If selected, only the catalogs, views, rules, calculations and value sets of the selected object type are displayed as you browse through the object types. If clear, all catalogs, views etc. are displayed in the browsers.

The Object Type browser lists the following fields:

  • Name

    Specifies the Object Type name.

  • Translated Name

    A meaningful description of the Object Type used for working with the Object Type throughout the application.

  • Table / View

    Specifies which table or view in the database is the source object for the Object Type.

  • Type

    Enables you to see the existing Object Type modes (table, view).

  • Translated By

    The name of the object type whose instances contain the values of translated attributes.

Actions in the Object Type browser

Not only you can search or browse for a specific object in the Object Type browser but you can also perform the related actions on it.

  • To manage the Object Types, use the control buttons on the right.
  • If you select and double click an object type directly in the Object Type browser, the Object Type Customizer is called.

In the Object Type browser, the following controls buttons are available:

  • Create New

    Starts the process of creating a new (persistent) Object Type together with a new database table. Once created, it is added to the list of existing Object Types.

  • Create Persistent

    Enables you to define a new Object Type, based on the existing database table or view. Once the Object Type is described in full, it will be added to the list of existing Object Types.

  • Create Transient

    Enables you to define a Transient Object. Transient Object is an object which is not based on a physical table in the database. It is a temporary object created for a specific purpose. It exists only when Valuemation is running. It cannot be saved into the database.

  • Edit

    Enables you to edit an existing Object Type. Select the Object Type you want to edit in the list of Object Types. The Edit Object Type dialog box will be opened.

  • Delete

    Deletes the selected Object Type.

  • Refresh

    Refreshed the list of Object Types in the Object Type Browser.

  • Help

    Starts the Valuemation HTML Help.

  • Favourites

    Click on an object type to add/remove it to/from Favourites. The favourite object types are displayed at the top of the object type list when the Customization Browser opens.

For details, please see the 'Managing Object Types' topic.

See Also

Working with the Customization Browser

Quick Filter

Columns Filters

Modules Tab

Attributes Tab