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Default View vs Default Catalog

The 'Set Default' button in the View browser sets one view as the default view for objects of the given object type. Similarly, 'Default' button in the Catalog browser sets one catalog definition as the default catalog for the object type.

Additionally, each catalog has an 'edit' and a 'create' view assigned. These are views which open when respective actions (edit, create) are called from the catalog.

Object type default views and edit views assigned to object type default catalogs are used according to the following logic:

If no edit view is specified in the OpenBO workflow activity called by the given action, then:

  • If the business object type does not have a default catalog defined, its default view is used for object editing
  • If the business object type has a default catalog defined, the view defined for this default catalog is used for object editing and object type default view is ignored. In other words, "catalog defaults" take precedence over "view defaults".

Customization Consequences

Note that the above described behaviour applies not only when the edit operation is called from a catalog but also when the open action is called in another way, e.g. from the sidebar.

Consequently, as long as there is a default catalog defined for the object type, changing object type default view has no impact on the view used for object editing. In such case, the edit view defined for the default catalog must be changed.

See Also

Designing a View

Adding/Removing Attributes

Adding Label and Separator


Horizontal Proportion Bar

Managing Groups

Adding Actions

Changing the Layout: More Options

Specifics of the Reference View

Pictures in Views

Rich Text Control Customization

Creating a One Cell Reference View

Creating a Simple Search View