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Specifics of the Reference View

A view can be created specifically for use as so called 'Reference View'. The Reference View is a small view used within the main view of a source object type in order to display data contained in a linked target object type. For instance, a ticket (source) is linked to a person (target) and using a Reference View the ticket view can also display data contained in the linked person object, e.g. the target person's name, surname, department etc.

When a view which will be used as a 'Reference View' is created in the View Customizer, it is important to remember that:

  • Only the first view tab will be used.
  • No reference catalogs will be used.

Using views with only one tab and no reference catalogs will ensure error-free reference view function.

See Also

Designing a View

Adding/Removing Attributes

Adding Label and Separator


Horizontal Proportion Bar

Managing Groups

Adding Actions

Changing the Layout: More Options

Pictures in Views

Rich Text Control Customization

Creating a One Cell Reference View

Creating a Simple Search View

Default View vs Default Catalog