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Valuemation Runlink enables execution of a workflow on the Valuemation web server started by clicking a html link in a web browser or an email client. This way Valuemation web can be started and an editor or a catalog opened directly from a third-party application.

Establishing a runlink involves two steps:

  1. Generate the runlink code in Valuemation
  2. Insert the code in the third-party html application

Two types of runlink code can be used:

  • 'Run' - the runlink opens Valuemation and runs the specified workflow.

    Runlink can also be modified so that closing Valuemation opened from the runlink opens a specific web page.

  • 'Update' - the runlink only runs the workflow, typically used in Valuemation InfoObjects, i.e. to open an editor or catalog from a third-party application running within already opened Valuemation.

This chapter deals with the 'Generate Runlink' action as a tool for manual runlink creation. Internal runlink creation is handled by the 'ApiWebLink' API class described in the Valuemation COM API documentation.

In This Chapter

Generate Runlink

Runlink Settings

Runlink Creation

Runlink With Exit Redirection

Runlink Behaviour

Runlink Verification Using Database Identifier

See Also


Model Inspector

Password Complexity Check


Object Attachments

Working With Images

Authorization Groups and Roles

Object Mapping

Embedded Jetty


Progress Bar

Keyboard Shortcuts

Global Functions

Miscellaneous Web Client Edits

Attribute Value Mass Change

Notes on Null Values in the Queries

Data Validation


Toast Messages
