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Toast Messages

Toast Messages are a short, dynamic pop-up messages which appear for a few second to give some information or alert and then fade away.

The message is typically used for short text messages when it is fairly certain the user is paying attention to the screen. Usually these messages give users immediate feedback after taking some action or are just triggered by the application itself under specific conditions. Users don’t need to dismiss Toast Messages, as they appear only for a moment before they disappear.

Toast Messages Use

Toast Messages are typically used for:

  • Frequent confirmations, such as successful completion of a task or transaction.
  • For general information, such as neutral information about some change made in the application.
  • For warning end errors, when it is not downright critical for the application itself.

Toast Message Characterization

Key traits of the Toast Messages are:

  • The message can appear in the corners, at the top or at the bottom of the application.
  • The size of the message is rather compact not to overly distract the user from his primary task.
  • The message fades away after a specific amount of time.
  • Although the message will automatically disappear after a few seconds, users can also dismiss it if they want.
  • Unlike the status bar notification or a dialog box, a Toast Message does not accept user input.
  • The user’s current activity remains visible and interactive when a Toast Message pops up.

In This Chapter

Toast Messages in Valuemation

Toast Message Anatomy

Toast Messages Appearance & Behaviour