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Runlink Verification Using Database Identifier

Since Valuemation version 4.4, runlink verification is server-independent. It is based on a database identifier. When a runlink is called, the identifier is checked against the DB-GUID of the environment in which the runlink is executed.

The Identifier is generated automatically for a given database but can be manually re-generated using the 'System database identifier' - 'Generate new' function found on the 'Web Server' page of 'Global Settings'.

Generating a new database identifier should be approached with care as it will influence the function of already generated runlinks. The need to generate a new identifier may arise when it is necessary to invalidate all previously generated runlinks, e.g. during the transfer from a test/customization database to a production database.

Note: Newly generated runlinks will be considerably shorter than runlinks generated by Valuemation version 4.3 and older. This may be used to solve the maximal link length overflow problem previously experienced on some browsers.

See Also


Generate Runlink

Runlink Settings

Runlink Creation

Runlink With Exit Redirection

Runlink Behaviour