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Object Attachments

Every generic business object stored in Valuemation can have files attached to it.

Three "types" of attachments are provided:

  • File Attachments

    The most commonly used attachment. The attached file is stored in the database, independently of the original.

  • Link Attachments

    Only a path to the actual file stored on a local hard drive is registered in the database. If the original file is deleted, renamed or relocated, the attachment does not work anymore. Should be used with caution. Available only on Valuemation Rich Client.

  • Hyperlink Attachments

    Saves a URL of the attached content.

Of the three attachment types, file attachments represent the most useful option.

Note: The presence of attachments in an email sent from Valuemation influences the structure of the email. If an email has attachments or if it is in the rtf format with images, then its body is of the multipart/mixed type. An email without attachments is sent with only one email body in the text/plain or text/html format.

In This Chapter

Attachments Customization

Attachments in Use

See Also


Model Inspector

Password Complexity Check


Working With Images

Authorization Groups and Roles

Object Mapping

Embedded Jetty



Progress Bar

Keyboard Shortcuts

Global Functions

Miscellaneous Web Client Edits

Attribute Value Mass Change

Notes on Null Values in the Queries

Data Validation


Toast Messages
