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Data Validation

Some input fields require automatic validation of entered data. For example, it may be necessary to ensure that the entered value is unique, or that the value falls between specified value limits.

Valuemation provides several types of data validation:

  • On the database

    The nature of some data validation tasks calls for constraints applied directly on the database level. Valuemation supports all existing database constraints. In an ideal scenario, database constraints (such as 'not-null', 'on delete cascade', etc.) are defined when the database table (on which a Valuemation object type is to be based) is created.

    The Object Type Customizer links individual columns of the physical database table with attributes of the business object built on the particular database table. The database-defined properties of a column are taken over by the corresponding object type attribute.

    A typical example of database-defined attribute property is data uniqueness. This validation has to be done using database constraints as it requires comparison of entered data with (potentially huge amounts of) data existing in the database.

  • Business keys

    Business key attributes are a special case in which the application itself can take care of data uniqueness. The format and default values of business keys can be pre-defined in the 'Business Key' tab of the Object Type Customizer. The 'Generate Key' action in editors enables creation of unique business key values.

    The business key functionality is usually used with fields for internal object identification.

  • Validation Rules

    Using the Rule Customizer, it is possible to specify validation rules for individual attributes. A validation rule can be used for input data validation. The rule condition is checked when an attempt to save an object into the database is made. If the condition is not met, then the object is not saved and a warning message gets displayed.

    Validation rules are typically used to validate if the entered string satisfies a defined condition, e.g. if it is not empty, if the value exceeds a defined threshold or falls between defined limits, etc.

  • Field Masks

    Field masks make sure that the entered value conforms to a specified format. Field masks are defined in the View Customizer.

    The masks are typically used with dates, serial or version numbers of a specific format etc.

  • Data check

    Valuemation Data Check can be used to examine objects of a selected object type for compliance with pre-defined criteria. The data check function uses one of prepared definitions to inspect (and even correct) data. The function can be called manually or by the application whenever the data processing logic calls for it.

See Also


Model Inspector

Password Complexity Check


Object Attachments

Working With Images

Authorization Groups and Roles

Object Mapping

Embedded Jetty



Progress Bar

Keyboard Shortcuts

Global Functions

Miscellaneous Web Client Edits

Attribute Value Mass Change

Notes on Null Values in the Queries


Toast Messages
