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Global Functions

Global functions are hard coded functions capable of retrieving special values for use in Valuemation conditions. Global functions are used in catalog complex search as well as in catalog and rule definitions.

Based on actual needs, global functions have been created for the following data types:

  • integer
  • datetime
  • string

Global functions are data type specific, a set of functions exists for each of the supported data types.


10 global functions have been defined for datetime attributes:

  • 1DayAgo, 2DaysAgo, 3DaysAgo, 5DaysAgo

    The functions retrieve a datetime value equal to the current datetime minus the specified number of days.

  • 1WeekAgo, 2WeeksAgo

    The functions retrieve a datetime value equal to the current datetime minus the specified number of weeks.

  • 3MonthsAgo, 6MonthsAgo

    The functions retrieve a datetime value equal to the current datetime minus the specified number of months.

  • acceptableTimeStampForActiveSession

    The function extracts a value from Valuemation mainparameter: path = UserSessionsLogging, parameter = TimeoutForInactiveClient.

  • currentTimeStamp

    The function retrieves the current datetime value.


3 global functions have been defined for string attributes:

  • bpmCurrentLogonS3UserId

    The function retrieves user ID in a specific format used by the query of the 'Tasks for Me' catalog (Business Process Manager). It is used by condition 'Offered To - like - Value: bpmCurrentLogonS3UserId'.

  • currentLogonUserFirstname

    The function retrieves the first name of the currently logged in Valuemation user.

  • currentLogonUserLastname

    The function retrieves the last name of the currently logged in Valuemation user.


3 global functions have been defined for integer attributes:

  • currentAssociatedPersonId

    The function retrieves the primary key of the person associated with the currently logged in Valuemation user.

  • currentLogonUserId

    The function retrieves the primary key of the currently logged in Valuemation user.

  • mainparamspo

    This is an obsolete function used previously for ticket 'subject-predicate-object' functionality.

In This Chapter

Global Functions in Use

Global Functions Example

See Also


Model Inspector

Password Complexity Check


Object Attachments

Working With Images

Authorization Groups and Roles

Object Mapping

Embedded Jetty



Progress Bar

Keyboard Shortcuts

Miscellaneous Web Client Edits

Attribute Value Mass Change

Notes on Null Values in the Queries

Data Validation


Toast Messages
