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Runlink Behaviour

Clicking the runlink in a third-party application either opens Valuemation web client and runs the specified subworkflow (Run Link Type: Run) or only runs the subworkflow (Run Link Type: Update).

The following possibilities exist in regard to the 'Logon User' and 'Store Password' parameters:

  • If no logon user has been specified, then Valuemation login page opens. Any user can log in using their Valuemation login credentials.
  • If logon user has been specified with 'Store Password' set to 'False', then Valuemation login page opens with the user already pre-filled. The user must specify the correct password to log in. The pre-filled user cannot be changed, only the specified user can log in.
  • If logon user has been specified with 'Store Password' set to 'True', then Valuemation directly with no need for login. Note that the current user password must match the user's password at the time when the runlink was created.

See Also


Generate Runlink

Runlink Settings

Runlink Creation

Runlink With Exit Redirection

Runlink Verification Using Database Identifier