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Model Inspector

Model inspector provides catalogs and views which help you to browse through technical objects that build up Valuemation applications (modules). It also also provides a structured overview of customizing, revealing associations between different pieces of customization.

The application model behind the user interface - either standard or customer-specific - is rather complex. For Valuemation administrators and customizers, the model may appear difficult to inspect (being scattered into thousands of individual pieces). The customizer often needs to know quick answers to questions such as “Which attributes are used on GUI? Which attribute become mandatory under some circumstances? Which are all the translations of this field? How is this behaviour implemented?”. One way to look for answers is to use hard-coded customizer dialogs to inspect the model by opening this and that “customizer” function again and again in all potential places you can think of. However, the dialogs are separated by agenda and the dependencies are not easy to identify.

  • The Model inspector provides catalogs and views which help you to browse through technical objects that build up Valuemation applications (modules). You can get quick overview of an unknown part of standard or customer-specific model or you can build up catalog queries to identify all business application places with specific properties. On the basis of database views, it adds few missing relations between technical objects.
  • The Model Inspector also provides a structured overview of customizing, revealing associations between different pieces of customization. Attributes, relations and some other information are displayed on the basis of the object types defined in the system. Further properties are immediately identifiable by means of colors and font formatting (e.g. module affiliation, persistent versus transient...). It means that the whole range of information is visible via clearly arranged interface.

In This Chapter

Working with Model Inspector

See Also


Password Complexity Check


Object Attachments

Working With Images

Authorization Groups and Roles

Object Mapping

Embedded Jetty



Progress Bar

Keyboard Shortcuts

Global Functions

Miscellaneous Web Client Edits

Attribute Value Mass Change

Notes on Null Values in the Queries

Data Validation


Toast Messages
