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Runlink Settings

Calling the 'Generate Run Link' action opens the 'Run Link Descriptor' editor where runlink parameters can be specified.

Run Link Type

  • Select 'Run' to create runlink for use outside Valuemation. The runlink will open Valuemation and run the specified subworkflow
  • Select 'Update' to create runlink for use within Valuemation. Typical use is in Valuemation InfoObjects, i.e. to open an editor or catalog from a third-party application running within already opened Valuemation.

If 'Update' is selected, the following options become available:

  • Generate HTML Link

    Select this check box to create an update runlink. The 'HTML Link Type' selection box becomes available.

    Note: With the check box set to false only the 'proxy' part of the runlink (see examples below) is generated.

  • HTML Link Type

    Select one of four available options for the resulting runlink format:

    • Init-Href: HTML link which refers to a global JavaScript function on the same page. The source page must contain a JavaScript function called by the runlink.
    • NoInit OnClick: Link which does not refer to any JavaScript function but sets the onclick attribute (not href).
    • NoInit-Href: Self-contained HTML link with no need to initialize (no global function is called, the same JavaScript code fragment is repeated).
    • NoInit-Href-Value: link for use in InfoObject web applications which construct the HTML link dynamically and only href-value needs to be provided (such as Mashzone). Example:

      See topic 'Runlink Creation' for code examples of these options.

VM Server URL

Specify URL of the Valuemation web server to be called by the runlink.

Show GUI

Set this check box to 'True' for both of the currently available subworkflows (Open View, Open Catalog). Check box would be set to 'False' if a subworkflow not requiring GUI interaction were used.

Logon User

The runlink can be created for use by a specific user by encoding the user credentials in the link. In such case, only the specified user will be able to access Valuemation. See 'Runlink Behaviour' for possible scenarios.

Use the 'plus' button at the right hand of the 'Logon User' reference view to link an existing Valuemation user.

Note: When an update runlink with no user specified is called, a warning message informing about the absence of a defined user in the runlink gets displayed. Displaying of this message can be disabled by the following Valuemation mainparameter:

  • Path: VMWeb
  • Parameter: warningWhenNoUserInUpdateRunlink
  • Value: false

Store Password

Specify whether the created runlink should also contain password information of the logon user. See 'Runlink Behaviour' for possible scenarios.


Select what subworkflow will be run when Valuemation is called by the runlink. Two options are available:

  • Open View - a Valuemation business object gets opened in an editor

    If 'Open View' is selected, then it is necessary to specify the 'Object Type' and 'Business Key' of the object to be displayed.

  • Open Catalog - a Valuemation catalog gets opened

    If 'Open Catalog' is selected, the the following additional parameters need to be specified:

    • Object Type - specify catalog object type
    • Catalog Title - specify name of the particular catalog to open
    • Catalog Condition - specify a catalog filtering condition which will be applied to the opened catalog. This condition is visible in the catalog query editor and can be cleared or modified.
    • Catalog Hidden Condition - specify an implicit catalog filtering condition. This condition is not visible in the catalog query editor and cannot be cleared or modified.

    Buttons 'Set Catalog Condition' and 'Set Catalog Hidden Condition' at the bottom of the editor call a query editor which can be used to specify the conditions.

See Also


Generate Runlink

Runlink Creation

Runlink With Exit Redirection

Runlink Behaviour

Runlink Verification Using Database Identifier