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Attribute Value Mass Change

The Attribute Value Mass Change functionality is currently implemented for the 'Service' object type. It is, however, a generic function which can be used for any object type (Workflow: AttrValueMassChange).

Using Attribute Value Mass Change:

  • Open a catalog of an object type for which the functionality has been implemented ('Service' in the current implementation, the 'Services' catalog for example)
  • Select one or more objects in the catalog and call the 'Attribute Value Mass Change' action from the right-click context menu. The 'Mass change of values for selected attribute' dialog gets opened.

The following fields are available:

  • Object Type

    The object type in this field is preselected on context basis (the object type/catalog from which the action has been called).

  • Attribute name

    This drop-down box lists all attributes of the above selected object type which fulfill certain criteria. In the 'Service' implementation, these are all string attributes which are not object type primary key.

  • Type of Change

    Three types of change are available:

    • Change: A mass change of all selected attributes.
    • Prefix: Adds the same prefix to all selected attributes.
    • Suffix: Adds the same suffix to all selected attributes.
  • Value (string)

    The value to be used to replace current values or add prefix/suffix to them.

An example use case for this functionality would be:

  • Decide which objects are to be changed and filter the catalog accordingly (e.g. services of a certain service type).
  • In the filtered catalog, select all objects.
  • Call the 'Attribute Value Mass Change' action for all these objects.

See Also


Model Inspector

Password Complexity Check


Object Attachments

Working With Images

Authorization Groups and Roles

Object Mapping

Embedded Jetty



Progress Bar

Keyboard Shortcuts

Global Functions

Miscellaneous Web Client Edits

Notes on Null Values in the Queries

Data Validation


Toast Messages
