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Problems and solutions

Import Error

If the import fails, the Import error message is displayed. This suggests that Valuemation has not been able to connect to the LDAP server. The reason may be wrong address of the LDAP server in Valuemation configuration or an external error on the LDAP or the company network. Contact your system administrator for help.

Impossible to login due to unsupported characters being imported to VM

Underscore characters (and several others: ' % ? _ $) are forbidden in Valuemation. They are automatically removed from userId during the creation of internal user during the import from LDAP.

Replacement procedure (e.g. restricted character=underscore, replacement string=+++)

  • each occurrence of underscore character will be replaced with "+++", e.g. LDAP=="jose_melquiades" => VM=="jose+++melquiades"
  • each occurrence of "+++" will be replaced with "\+++", LDAP=="pedro+++iglesias" => VM=="pedro\+++iglesias"
  • LDAP user containing "\" in user ID will be imported with doubled "\", e.g. LDAP=="miguel\ortega" => VM=="miguel\\ortega"

Steps how to enable the feature:

  1. Import new translations.
  2. Import or create "customizableReplacements" main parameter.
  3. Import or create replacement definition for any restricted parameter, e.g. "replacementChar:_" with value "+++"
  4. Restart Valuemation.
  5. Open Global Settings / Authentication page.
  6. Enable character replacements (checkbox).
  7. If transformation process is finished successfully, information message is shown with count of affected users.

User names with special characters since Valuemation version 4.6

Since Valuemation version 4.6, you are allowed to use any characters for userId in Valuemation.

The behaviour remains static in older installations but there is a new possibility to allow the restricted characters via the following mainparameter:

  • 'path=AuthenticationManager, name=userManagerCharacterRestrictions, type=Boolean'

If the main parameter does not exists, the default value is "on".

Note: Allowing the restricted characters in older Valuemation versions may result in conflicts in original userIds with forbidden characters during the Valuemation - LDAP server synchronization (for example, a user may be deactivated or a new record can be created). Proceed at your own risk or ask the Valuemation Support for assistance.

See Also


LDAP Configuration

LDAP Parameters

Authentication against LDAP
