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Runlink With Exit Redirection

Standard behaviour of the 'run' type runlink is as follows:

  1. The user clicks the link
  2. Valuemation opens, the user logs in and the catalog or editor specified during runlink creation opens
  3. The user performs the Valuemation task(s) and logs out
  4. Valuemation login page gets displayed again

If displaying the login page in the last step is not desired, it is possible to modify the runlink so that upon logout a specific web page gets opened instead.

To modify a runlink:

  1. Create the runlink using the 'Run Link Descriptor' editor.
  2. Copy the runlink from the 'Final Run Link' dialog and add redirect information at its end. The redirect information has the following format:


For example: add


to the end of a runlink to modify it so that upon logout the usu home page gets opened.

The resulting runlink may look like this:

Logging out of Valuemation opened from the runlink will open the usu home page instead of Valuemation login page.

See Also


Generate Runlink

Runlink Settings

Runlink Creation

Runlink Behaviour

Runlink Verification Using Database Identifier