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Displaying Additional Information in the Shop

There are some information-bearing attributes of an offer which can be optionally displayed in the configurator and the cart.

The following attributes can be optionally displayed in the configurator:

  • Delivery - number of work days needed to deliver the service
  • Other Conditions - any additional textual information relevant to the offer

The following attributes can be optionally displayed in the cart:

  • Delivery - number of work days needed to deliver the service
  • Other Conditions - any additional textual information relevant to the offer
  • Change Details Summary - 1 line summary of change details (if used with the offer)
  • Parameters - values of shop parameters entered in the configurator (in the cart displayed only, cannot be edited)

Overall Shop configuration:

For extensive Shop configuration, go to 'SRM & Procurement Settings', section 'Shop'.

Example - combination of shop parameters and other optional information :

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Delivery and Other Conditions are specified for the offer.

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Delivery and Other Conditions get displayed in the configurator. Parameters are specified in the configurator.

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Delivery and Other Conditions specified for the offer and parameters specified in the configurator get displayed in the cart.

In This Chapter

How to Remove Additional Info

How to Add More Info

How to Redefine the Calculation

Miscellaneous Hints

See Also

Service Request Administration

Preparation of Shop Content

Offer Creation

Organizing Requests With Request Groups

Organizing Requests with Request Types

Organizing Offers with Service User Groups

Shop Parameters

Shop Categories

Assignment of Categories to Shop Offers

Default Category for Item Class

Customization Preview

Request Priority

How to Define Specific Change Details for Item or Service

Setting up Requesting for Others