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Organizing Requests With Request Groups

You can keep your requests organized by creating your own request groups. This functionality is available to all requestors but it is especially useful for service desk and managers who create many requests.

  • Request groups do not affect the fulfillment process.
  • Request created in a group inherits organizational data (System, Cost Center, Location, Approver) from the last request in the group.

To group requests:

  1. In catalog 'My Submitted Requests', multi-select related requests and call context menu action 'Grouping/Group'
  2. In the dialog which opens, name the newly created group.
  3. The requests are grouped and the group name is displayed in the bottom right-hand part of each request's line in the catalog.

    In the request editor, all requests belonging to the same request group are listed in the 'Request Group' tab.

Note that one request cannot belong to more than one group.

The following additional actions are available under the 'Grouping' context menu item:

  • Remove from the Request Group

    Call the action on one request to remove it from its current request group.

    Alternatively, multi-select several requests and call the action on one of them to remove the selected requests from their respective current request group(s).

    If removal from a request group leaves the group empty, the empty group gets deleted.

  • Move to Request Group...

    Call the action to move one or more requests to a request groups (different from the one the request currently belongs to).

  • Rename the Request Group

    Call the action on a request to change the name of its current request group. The name change will be propagated to all other requests belonging to the same group, the grouping itself will remain intact.

Direct creation of a grouped request

If at least one request group exists, it is possible to directly create new requests belonging to the group:

  1. In catalog 'My Submitted Requests', right-click a request belonging to the same group to which the newly created request should also belong.
  2. Select context menu item 'Create Related Request' and choose action 'In the Same Request Group'.
  3. The Service Request Shop gets opened. Use it to specify and submit the request. The request will automatically belong to the group implicitly selected in step 1. The fact that an item aimed for a particular request group is being requested is reflected in the Cart name (e.g. 'Cart for Johnny Brown (Request Group 1)'.

See Also

Service Request Administration

Preparation of Shop Content

Offer Creation

Organizing Requests with Request Types

Organizing Offers with Service User Groups

Shop Parameters

Shop Categories

Assignment of Categories to Shop Offers

Default Category for Item Class

Customization Preview

Displaying Additional Information in the Shop

Request Priority

How to Define Specific Change Details for Item or Service

Setting up Requesting for Others