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How to Define Specific Change Details for Item or Service

Change Details contain additional data necessary for requesting a particular item or service. This data is administered in the 'Change Details' dialog.

Different change detail types can be created for different item types. If a change detail type is assigned to a item type, corresponding change details for this item type will open during requesting. Furthermore, special views can be defined for individual change detail types.

In addition to specific change detail types it is even possible to define new change detail classes (different database table).

Change detail classes, types and their assignment to item types is administered in corresponding catalogs found in the 'Requesting Configuration/Master Data' folder of the 'SRM Catalogue Manager' sidebar.

How to activate the 'Change Details' dialog:

Create a change detail type that fits the specific object type. Create also a view designed to display the change details data.

Creating change details:

  • Assign the offered item type to the relevant change detail type to activate the creation of change details. Note: if the parent and child offers refer to the same change type (via their item types), only the parent request item will create change details.
  • You can initialize change details in 4 ways:
    1. by default values
    2. by transferring data from request and request item via a workflow 'Reqitem_createExpectedChange'
    3. by organizing offers for different change types but same change class hierarchically - data entered for change details of the parent request item will be inherited by change details of the child request item if both refer to one class
    4. by wizard-like filling some relation of change details, use 'Relation condition' on the 'Rules' tab of the change detail type.

Opening/editing change details:

  • Newly created change details open automatically for a new request item, unless autoverified (see below) or unless max number (defined in 'Settings - SRM & Procurement') is exceeded. Change details above this number are indicated by red color and the user must open them before request is set to Specified.
  • You can specify a condition when a new change details object is completed purely by initialization and autoverified - the requestor does not need to open and verify the change details. Use the 'Do not Open (Autoverify)' condition in the 'Rules' tab on the change detail type. .
  • You can configure hidden filters for linking objects to change details, Use the 'Relation condition' in the 'Rules' tab on the change detail type.

Change Detail Summary

Change Details Summary is the calculated text displayed in the Shop and in the catalogs of requests. Standard Change Details Summary is calculated using default script defined at the Change Detail Class level. The default script can be modified.

  1. Go to the 'Change Detail Summary (Default Script)' section of the respective 'Change Detail Class' editor.
  2. Select the 'Edit the Default Script' check box.
  3. Edit the script. Keep the first line of the default script and modify the rest. The simplest modification would consist in simple changing of attributes listed in line 'attributeNameList'. Complex modification would consist in writing a new script. The default script supplied with standard 'Mass Move System(s)' change detail type can be used as an example of such complex script modification.
  4. Should you need to revert to the original default script, use the 'Script - Template' button at the bottom of he editor.

At the Change Detail Type level:

The Change Detail Class summary algorithm is inherited by corresponding Change Detail Types. This summary can also be modified in the above described way.

To revert script modifications made at the Change Detail Type level, the following two possibilities exist:

  • Use button 'Script -> Template' to go back to the original default script defined for the corresponding class (ignoring possible modifications made at the class level)
  • Use button 'Script -> Copy from Class' to go back to the script previously modified for the corresponding class

See Also

Service Request Administration

Preparation of Shop Content

Offer Creation

Organizing Requests With Request Groups

Organizing Requests with Request Types

Organizing Offers with Service User Groups

Shop Parameters

Shop Categories

Assignment of Categories to Shop Offers

Default Category for Item Class

Customization Preview

Displaying Additional Information in the Shop

Request Priority

Setting up Requesting for Others