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SRM & Procurement Settings

SRM & Procurement settings influence miscellaneous aspects of Valuemation requesting and procurement. They also allow a certain degree of Service Request Shop customization.

The settings window is called by action 'Settings - Requesting & Procurement' accessible in standard Valuemation from the sidebars of Service Request/Procurement-related business views:

  • SRM Manager
  • SRM Catalogue Manager
  • SRM Request Fulfillment
  • Procurement Manager

and also from business view

  • Valuemation Administration

sections 'Service Request Management' and 'Procurement Management'

Reset All to Default

The 'Reset All to Default' button at the bottom of the settings page resets all SRM & Procurement settingsto their default values. Use this action with utmost caution as resetting the settings may have a significant impact on the current SRM & Procurement functionality.

A warning dialog gets opened before the reset is performed.

In This Chapter


Status Actions and Emails


Reservation, Incoming of Goods

Pay Schedules and Budgets

User Interface


How To


See Also

SRM & Procurement

Valuemation Requesting and Procurement

Service Request Administration

Service Request Shop In Use

Procurement Administration

Supplier Evaluation

Images in Service Requesting

Requesting & Procurement Object Types