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Request Priority

Fields 'Impact', 'Urgency' and 'Priority' found in the 'Dates and Priority' section of the request editor describe these ticket-like handling criteria for the request.

  • Service Request Shop

    The user can change urgency. The default value is '3 Low'. Impact is hidden and its default is also '3 Low'.

  • Request Fulfillment

    After submitting a request, priority is automatically calculated from impact and urgency.

Priority Calculation



1 High

2 Medium

3 Low (default)
none or other



1 High




2 Medium




3 Low (default), none or other



5 (default)

Request catalogs show primarily priority. Service request manager can manually set priority or reset it using defined calculation from impact and urgency.

To set priority manually:

  1. Select one or more requests in a requests catalog and call the right-click context menu.
  2. From the context menu, select item 'Priority'/'Change Priority'.
  3. The 'Change Priority' dialog opens. Set a new priority and click 'Ok'.

To reset priority:

  1. Select one or more requests in a requests catalog and call the right-click context menu.
  2. From the context menu, select item 'Priority'/'Reset Priority'.

    Priority gets recalculated according to impact and urgency and the catalog refreshes to display the new value(s).

Customization Options

  • Value sets for impact, urgency and priority can be expanded and translations changed. (Source values are integer, sorting is always correct with any translation.)
  • In the Shop, Impact and Urgency can be displayed or hidden and made mandatory or optional - as needed., even in dependency with other data. (ApiBasketMapping defines defaults, ApiBasket allows to set visible/mandatory individually according to other data before opening.)
  • Priority calculation can also be customized. (Create function 'requisition_calculatePriority()' in workflow library 'APC_cust \ requisition'.)

See Also

Service Request Administration

Preparation of Shop Content

Offer Creation

Organizing Requests With Request Groups

Organizing Requests with Request Types

Organizing Offers with Service User Groups

Shop Parameters

Shop Categories

Assignment of Categories to Shop Offers

Default Category for Item Class

Customization Preview

Displaying Additional Information in the Shop

How to Define Specific Change Details for Item or Service

Setting up Requesting for Others