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Shop Parameters

Shop parameters make it possible to add custom fields to a product or service. These fields can be added to the offer describing the product or service by the catalogue manager with no need for customization. Shop parameters can be of many types, such as a simple text field, selection from defined values or selection from business objects.

End-user versus customization perspective

  • End-user perspective

    For the end-user, shop parameters behave as any other field in the shop GUI.

  • Customization perspective

    Shop parameters have been introduced to simplify the process of adding fields for a more detailed or specific request description. Prior to Valuemation v5.0, additional request description was handled by Change Details. Shop parameters supersede Change Details for most uses except where complex layouts (using views) or complex dependencies and dynamic behaviour (using rules and workflows) are required.

    All customization work on shop parameters can be done in Valuemation web client, rich client is not needed.

This help chapter deals with the customization perspective of shop parameters.

Recommendation for studying this help chapter

Having used the introductory 'Main Concepts' section to familiarize yourself with the basic ideas and terminology, focus mainly on the 'Parameters Creation' section. Real life use cases in 'Parameters Creation' will make the functionality much easier to understand.

In This Chapter

Main Concepts

Choice Parameter - Three Scenarios

Configuration Objects for Shop Parameters

Parameters Creation

Parameter Editing

Export of Parameters

Useful How To Ideas for the Admin