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Customization Preview

Action 'Preview in Shop' makes it possible to preview a newly created shop offer directly during the process of its creation.

For example, let's use the 'Preview in Shop' action during the creation of a new 'PC Workplace'.

  1. Open the offer package which contains PC workplaces.
  2. Go to the 'Shop Offers' tab of the offer package editor. Click the 'Create Shop Offer' button.
  3. The offer creation wizard opens. Use it to create the new offer. Note that it is necessary to also save the offer package to finalize the shop offer creation.
  4. Right-click the new shop offer in the 'Shop Offers' tab and choose item 'Preview in Shop'.

    A new tab opens in the Valuemation workspace. It displays a preview of the configurator window for the newly created shop offer. Note that the preview window cannot be used to actually process the offer.

Action 'Preview in Shop' can also be called for a whole offer package. In this case the preview window displays the Shop GUI with all shop offers belonging to the offer package and also their relevant categories.

In shop preview, the target person is not relevant and the cart is not activated.

See also 'Shop Parameters - Previewing the Result' for examples.

See Also

Service Request Administration

Preparation of Shop Content

Offer Creation

Organizing Requests With Request Groups

Organizing Requests with Request Types

Organizing Offers with Service User Groups

Shop Parameters

Shop Categories

Assignment of Categories to Shop Offers

Default Category for Item Class

Displaying Additional Information in the Shop

Request Priority

How to Define Specific Change Details for Item or Service

Setting up Requesting for Others