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Preparation of Shop Content

All Shop administration use cases can be performed in the 'SRM Catalogue Manager' business view. The cornerstone of Shop content preparation is the creation and administration of shop offers. Several suitable starting points exist:


The following actions are available both as user tiles and sidebar actions:

  • Create Service Offer

    Use this action to create a new offer within an already existing offer package. Action launches a wizard consisting of steps:

    1. Select an offer package for the new offer
    2. Choose offer complexity
    3. Choose what the offer will be based on
    4. Further specifications depending on step 3

  • Create Offer Package

    Use this action if a new offer package needs to be created first.

    1. Select if the new package will be created from scratch or as a copy of an existing one.
    2. Specify the new package in the service offer package editor.


The following catalogs can be found in the 'Shop Definition' section of the 'SRM Catalogue Manager' sidebar:

  • Service Offers

    Use context menu action 'Create...' to initiate new offer creation. Follow wizard steps as described in 'Create Service Offer' above.

  • Service Offer Packages
    • To create a new offer within an existing offer package: Locate the package and use context menu action 'Edit'. Use action 'Create Common' or 'Create...' in the 'Shop Offers' section of the offer package editor (see below for more info).
    • To create a new offer package: use context menu action 'Create...' in the offer packages catalog.

Offer Creation within an Offer Package

It is often a good idea to administer shop offers from within an offer package to which they belong. Two offer creation actions are provided in the 'Shop Offers' tab of the offer package editor:

  • Create Common

    Action launches a wizard for simplified offer creation. The simplification means:

    • There is no need to deal with item type of the offer. (The offer is automatically created on the basis of a default common item type.)
    • 'Simple Service' is automatically used as shop offer model. (As opposed to 'Service with Options' or 'Service with Change Details' - see step 3 in topic 'Simple Hardware Without Options'.)
  • Create...

    Standard offer creation action using a wizard containing the full scope of creation possibilities.

Note: Skip in the Wizards

Many steps in the following examples are performed using step-by-step wizard pages. If none of the options offered by the current wizard step seems suitable, use the 'Skip' button at the bottom of the wizard page. The selection to be made in the wizard step will be skipped and dealt with at a later time.

See Also

Service Request Administration

Offer Creation

Organizing Requests With Request Groups

Organizing Requests with Request Types

Organizing Offers with Service User Groups

Shop Parameters

Shop Categories

Assignment of Categories to Shop Offers

Default Category for Item Class

Customization Preview

Displaying Additional Information in the Shop

Request Priority

How to Define Specific Change Details for Item or Service

Setting up Requesting for Others