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Autoclose Functionality

Using the Autoclose functionality, the status of subordinated tickets can be controlled by the status of a superior ticket. This way, for instance, Incidents, Problems or Known Errors related to a Change ticket can be closed when the Change ticket is closed.

The Autoclose functionality is administered using two catalogs:

  • Autoclose Rule - lists available autoclose rules; starting point for the creation of a new autoclose rule or editing an existing one
  • Autoclose Configuration - lists existing individual autoclose configurations

Note: The catalogs can be added to the Valuemation sidebar where appropriate.

Creating an Autoclose Rule

Autoclose behaviour is governed by autoclose rules.

To create or edit an autoclose rule:

  1. Locate the Autoclose Rule catalog.

    Note that you may need to add the catalog to the sidebar.

  2. Open and edit the rule.

    See 'Autoclose Settings' below.

  3. If necessary, specify individual autoclose configurations.

    Within one autoclose rule, different autoclose configurations can be used for individual target tickets. These configurations are used only if Autoclose Mode 'By Configuration' is selected. See 'Autoclose Configurations' below.

Autoclose Rule in the Edit View

The Autoclose Rule editor contain the following fields:

  • Name

    Name of the rule

  • Autoclose Mode

    Global mode of the autoclose rule. This mode takes priority over mode settings of the individual autoclose configurations. Four modes are available:

    • Disabled: The autoclose functionality is off.
    • Auto: Closes all target tickets automatically (i.e.according to defined conditions - see below).
    • Confirm: If set, a confirmation message pops up before the autoclose is applied to the target ticket(s). When confirmed, target ticket(s) are closed (according to defined conditions - see below).
    • By Configuration: Individual autoclose configurations are taken into account according to their autoclose mode settings. The configurations are made in the autoclose configurations section at the bottom of the window.
  • Condition

    Triggering condition for the autoclose rule. If true, the autoclose action is activated.

  • Message

    If autoclose mode is set to "Confirm", this message appears on the confirmation dialog box.

  • Shorttext

    Field reserved for additional information about the rule (short description, intended use, etc.)

  • Autoclose Configurations

    Specific configurations for individual target tickets.

    See below for more information.

Autoclose Configuration in the Edit View

The Autoclose Configuration editor contain the following fields:

  • Autoclose Mode

    Three autoclose modes are available for individual target tickets:

    • Auto: The ticket is closed automatically without a confirmation message.
    • Confirm: A confirmation message appears before the ticket is closed.
    • Disabled: The autoclose is off.
  • Target Status

    Status to be set by the autoclose functionality.

  • Status

    Status used in the Status Track catalog to track the status transition resulting from this autoclose action. The status is automatically created by adding suffix 'AUTOCLOSE' to the target status. To supply a corresponding status tracking description, a new entry in the Status Track catalog has to be created for the status.

  • Target condition

    Triggering condition for the target ticket. If true, status is changed to the target status.

  • Message

    The message to appear when Autoclose Mode is set to "Confirm".

  • Workflow

    A workflow to be launched after the target status is set.

  • Copy description with statementtype

    When a Statement Type is selected in the field, the last ticket description of this Statement Type will be copied. Typical use is copying of the last Solution description.

Autoclose Support in Silent Mode

The autoclose definitions which expect an answer from the user are now supported in the so-called silent or unattended mode. This mode is used for example in the event of escalations or run links, i.e. wherever no user is interactively involved.

In case of configurations when an answer of the user is required, a default YES-NO answer will be provided depending on the '' mainparameter. If set to true, the default answer will be YES. If false, the default answer will be NO.

Note: This setting applies to all Autoclose Rules.

See Also

Related Information

Incident Management - Status Diagram

Ticket Prioritization Guideline

Followed Tickets

Working with Activities

Customer Satisfaction

Incident - Change Association

Authorization Groups and Roles

Organizational Roles

Incident Links to Other Ticket Classes

Solution Request Parameter

Dashboard InfoObjects

ZIS Interface

Mail In/Event Management

Audit for Newly Created Objects

Ticket and Calendar

Incoming and Outgoing E-Mails