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Ticket and Calendar

When Ticket-related time information such as expected completion is calculated, the actual work hours schedule (i.e. the exclusion of weekends or public holidays) needs to be taken into account. Also, ork hours can differ according to user, location or other parameters. To cover these specifics, we need to prepare the working hours (and group them into calendar) which are then automatically (depending on data entered in the Ticket – see also Duration object and Ticket Service Parameter) assigned to the created Ticket.

Calculation of the Planned End Date / Time

When a Ticket is created, the Reported Date and Time are recorded. Depending on Ticket information, the following two methods of the calculation of the planned end date or time can be used:

  • Using a Ticket Service Parameter (SLA): According to the definition of the Ticket Service Parameter (if the Ticket meets the criteria), the Ticket Service Parameter is assigned to the Ticket. Then Priority, Impact/urgency and Duration values are taken from Ticket Service Parameter.
  • Standard calculation: Depending on the Impact and Priority, the expected Duration can be determined.

Creation Time and expected Duration are then used to calculate the Planned End Time for the Ticket. In the simplest cases, this calculation is straightforward. A Ticket is created at 10:00 and the expected duration is 1 hour. So the Ticket should be closed by 11:00. What happens however if the Ticket has assigned Calendar with fixed working hours of 8:00 to 17:00? If a Ticket is reported at 16:45, calculating a Planned End Time of 17:45 is unrealistic and unhelpful. Processing of the Ticket will continue on the next working day.

See Also

Related Information

Autoclose Functionality

Incident Management - Status Diagram

Ticket Prioritization Guideline

Followed Tickets

Working with Activities

Customer Satisfaction

Incident - Change Association

Authorization Groups and Roles

Organizational Roles

Incident Links to Other Ticket Classes

Solution Request Parameter

Dashboard InfoObjects

ZIS Interface

Mail In/Event Management

Audit for Newly Created Objects

Incoming and Outgoing E-Mails