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Reservation, Incoming of Goods

Reservation of Items

  • Is Activated for some Item Class

    The check box indicates if there is an item class for which item planning and reservation are activated.

  • Autoreserve for Requests

    If abstract items (e.g. LCD Monitor) are requested alongside specific ones (e.g. LCD Monitor Hyughvwaiy HG2419), this setting specifies the order in which components for these two types of request are reserved. Default setting is 'Reserve Concrete planned Items first'.

  • Autoassign during ordering

    This setting influences the 'Order' function. If selected, Order Items are checked for consistency by the 'Autoassign Items' function. The function checks if the correct number of items is assigned. Assigned extra items are removed. If the order does not have enough items and no more planned items are available, the 'Order' action is rejected.

    See also the explanatory text displayed directly in the settings page.

Reservation of Components

  • Workflow providing Reservation Stocks for Request Item

    The stock system to be used for reservation of requested components is determined by a standard workflow provided for this purpose. The 'Workflow providing Reservation Stocks for Request Items' setting makes it possible to assign a different workflow for this function.

Incoming of Goods

  • Confirm Items (Complete All)

    Quantity required to show a confirmation before mass-generating items and components from multiple rows (order items or contract items). Prevents overlooking rows with high quantity that can be outside the visible area. There is no confirmation if the user checks 'Complete' for one row but it is still recommended to split incoming of many goods into steps with reasonable portions.

  • Confirm Components (Distribute All)

    This setting is a general mainparameter. Users can change the number directly from the confirmation dialog and the new setting is then stored as a user-specific mainparameter.

  • Max Order/Contract Items (distribute All)

    Maximum number of rows which can be processed at once using actions 'Distribute All' or 'Distribute Selected'. Default limit 100 should be increased only if increasing java stack memory (adding -Xss parameter into admin.bat). The limit prevents stack overflow errors caused by the workflow engine executing many activities.

  • Master / Demand

    Selection if the 'Incoming Goods' action should use Master or Demand Contract Items.

  • Incoming Goods Max

    Maximum number of items or components which can be handled by the 'Incoming of Goods' action without the risk of memory overflow. If this number is exceeded, action 'Mass Incoming of Goods' must be used.

See Also

SRM & Procurement Settings


Status Actions and Emails


Pay Schedules and Budgets

User Interface


How To
