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User Interface

Service Shop GUI

  • Selection Catalogs...

    Select catalogs which will open when the corresponding selection is required in the requesting process.

  • Offer Configuration View in Shop

    Select the Valuemation view to be used to configure and show details of pricing offers in the rich client and web accessibility mode.

  • Request view for Requestor

    Select the Valuemation view in which requests will be displayed to the requestor.

  • Request Submit view for Requestor

    Select the Valuemation view for requests created and opened at the end of alternative 'Request Service' action (instead of the shop cart) in the rich client and web accessibility mode.


Select reports for printing of request summary documents. Two versions are provided:

  • Report for Requestor

    Select the report to be used when the print action is called by the actual requesting person. Note that rather than the 'For Whom Current User Can Request' setting, the requestor / processing staff distinction is drawn from the place in Valuemation from which the action is called. E.g., if printing is initiated from the Shop or 'My Submitted Requests' catalog, the report for printing by the requestor is used.

  • Report for Processing

    Select the report to be used when the print action is called by the request processing staff. This report will be used when printing is initiated from catalogs not available to "normal" end users, such as 'Requests All' or 'Requests for Technical Attention'. (In standard Valuemation, catalogs of this type can be found e.g. in folder 'Request Processing' of the 'SRM Request Fulfillment' sidebar.)

Catalog Manager GUI

  • Offer Package catalog for Administration

    Select the catalog to be used for selection of offer packages during action 'Request Service'.

  • Vendor Offers catalog for action Add Product Type

    Select the catalog to be used for selection of offers during action 'Search Offers'.

  • Item Type catalog for Add Item Type

    Select the catalog to be used for selection of item types during action 'Search Item Types'.

  • Item Type Create View

    Select the view to be used for creating a new item type during the creation of a shop offer or an option.

Deprecated GUI

  • Service Offer view for Requestor

    Select the view of offers used with actions 'Add' and 'Copy' called from the 'Options' reference catalog in the offer editor.

  • Service Offers catalog for Requestor

    Select the catalog of offers used with action 'Request Service'.

  • Service Offer Package catalog for Requestor

    Select the catalog of offer packages used when 'Select Collection' is called during action 'Request Service'.

Note on using the GUI settings:

The GUI settings can be useful when modification of some catalogs or views used in the requesting process is required. In such case, it is recommend to:

  1. Copy the original catalog.
  2. Modify the copy as needed (e.g. by adding or removing a column, etc.).
  3. In the GUI settings, select the modified catalog instead of the original one.

This approach prevents future data updates from rewriting the modification.

See Also

SRM & Procurement Settings


Status Actions and Emails


Reservation, Incoming of Goods

Pay Schedules and Budgets


How To
