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Approval settings deal primarily with 'SRM Configurable Tasks'. Refer to explanations displayed directly in the 'SRM - Approving' section and to the 'Define the Approval Process' topics.

Automatic versus Manual Selection

  • Automatic

    It is possible to define a hierarchy of approval roles used when the approval is processed automatically by the application during action 'Submit Request'.

    For instance, the approval hierarchy may be set up so that the approval is first assigned to the leader of the cost center to which the 'requested for' person belongs. If this assignment does not lead to a person for the requisition, then the leader of the person's organization unit is assigned, etc.

    Note that the hierarchy is used only if appropriate 'SRM Configurable Task Definition' for "Approve Request / Organization Manager" is Generate = Yes and if has Assignment='Dynamic'.

  • Manual

    If the Cart GUI contains the 'Approver' field, then the requesting person can select the approver manually before submitting the request. In such case the automatic approval person hierarchy (see above) is not used.

    It is, however, possible to have the 'Approver' field automatically pre-filled with the cost center leader. To enable this, select the 'Prefill Approver in Cart with Cost Center leader' check box.

See Also

SRM & Procurement Settings


Status Actions and Emails

Reservation, Incoming of Goods

Pay Schedules and Budgets

User Interface


How To
