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Status Actions and Emails

Submit Request

  • Ask for Printing

    If selected, the confirmation dialog displayed after a request has been submitted offers an option to print the request. Clicking 'Yes' in the dialog opens a html page with request summary which can be printed out, clicking 'No' finalizes the request without printing.

  • Send Email

    If selected, then an email is sent when a request is submitted.

  • Submit Request Email Template

    Selection of an email template to be used for the submit request emails.

Approve Request

  • Approval Email (& Close)

    If selected, then an approval email is sent when the status of the request changes to 'Approved'. The request editor is then automatically closed.

  • Approving Email Template

    Selection of an email template to be used for the request approval emails.

  • Rejection Email (& Close)

    If selected, then an email informing about request rejection is sent when the status of the request changes to 'Rejected'. The request editor is then automatically closed.

  • Rejection Email Template

    Selection of an email template to be used for the rejection emails.

Close Request

  • Autoclose Requests after Fulfillment

    Specifies the number of days between request fulfillment and its automatic closing if no user reaction (request confirmation or declining) has been received.

  • Reopening is Possible after Closing

    An already closed request can be reopened within a certain time interval after its closing. The setting specifies this time interval (in days).

Email Option

The following behaviour can be selected for the email sending actions:

  • Send Immediately & Delete Mail Object
  • Send Immediately & Archive Mail Object in Database
  • Just Queue Mail Object in Database - for sending by Escalation

See Also

SRM & Procurement Settings



Reservation, Incoming of Goods

Pay Schedules and Budgets

User Interface


How To
