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Valuemation Requesting and Procurement

Valuemation Service Request & Procurement support the full cycle of service orders – products and services procurement, offers administrations, user requesting and final request fulfillment.

  • Service Request

    Service customers order the products and services available to them in an attractive service shop. The shop is based on a predefined multilingual service catalog.

    Depending on its definition, the service chosen in the shop can either be directly selected or further configured. Prices can be set variably for individual options and are aggregated to give a total price.

    After the desired products and services have been selected and configured, they are placed in the shopping cart. Users can then either order the shopping cart content directly and forward the order for approval or store the shopping cart as a draft and return to the selection process later.

    Authorized persons can also select and order products and services on behalf of others.

    Help Image
    SRM Catalogue Manager: Searching the Shop by category

  • Procurement

    Procurement makes service requesting possible by internally ordering and supplying the necessary products and services. Utilizing product and service catalogs ensures standardization of offers presented to the users. Clear definition of approval and fulfillment processes is another important part of Valuemation procurement.

    Help Image
    Procurement Manager: Overview of open and closed orders by supplier and status

Related Business Views

The requesting and procurement functionalities are seamlessly interconnected and based on the same object types. In standard Valuemation, requesting and procurement is administered using the following business views:

  • SRM Catalogue Manager

    Business view used primarily by the user responsible for the development and maintenance of the Product Service Catalog.

  • SRM Manager

    Business view intended for the user doing special administrative work such as general settings or superadmin actions.

  • SRM Request Fulfillment

    Business view intended for users doing the operational work for Service Request Management and supervision of the fulfillment process.

  • Procurement Manager

    General-purpose business view suitable for procurement administration and devising the company's procurement and sourcing strategies.