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Assignment Object Types

Component Assignment to Item

Each object of this type represents a time-related link between one component and one item, effectively forming an interface between the Procurement and Asset processes.

If a component has been obtained via an order or contract, then the component is assigned to one purchase item. If maintenance has been done on that component, the component is assigned to other items which represent units of delivered maintenance or service. Assignment dates define the maintenance period.

Item Type Assignment to Component Type objects define how many components (and component assignments to the product) should be created for each delivered item and how the components should be hierarchically structured. If the purchased item type consists of several component types and/or some component type is contained in the item type in quantity higher than 1, then the purchased item is assigned to several components.

The assignments are created during actions 'Create Components Out Of Incoming Goods', 'Assign Components', 'Assign Acquisition Contract Item to Component'.

Item Type Assignment to Component Type

This linking object defines how an item type available on the market is technically constructed.

Objects of this object type represent links between item types and component types. They define how many components should be created for each piece (unit) of the delivered item and how the components should be hierarchically structured. This could be seen as a pre-definition of components assignment to item objects. It is used mainly in the Create Components Out Of Incoming Goods action, where it can be changed temporarily or persistently. (See the 'Component Types...' action in the Incoming Goods Create Components window.)

Item Type Assignment to Item Type

These are linking objects between two different item types. The link is not used in standard Valuemation business functionality. Instead, it is recommended to group or structure the IT-infrastructure hierarchy using either Item Type Assignment To Component Type or Standard Requirements.

See Also

Requesting & Procurement Object Types

Offer, Offer Package, Package Type

Request, Request Item, Request Type

Order, Order Item

Item, Item Type, Item Class

Payment Schedule