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Catalogs are custom-defined listings of objects belonging to one object type. A catalog displays a collection of objects of a specific Object Type. In contrast, a view is used to display and edit data contained in one of the objects of the Object Type.

  • By default, two catalog layouts are available for each catalog: Table Mode and TreeView Mode.
  • More layouts can be enabled for a catalog in the Catalog Customizer. Note that some of the options are available in the Valuemation Web Client only.

A standard catalog consists of three main parts:

  • (A) Search view

    Enables you to select a specific search view and define the search criteria for the catalog.

    The Search view can be hidden/expanded by clicking the splitter.

  • (B) Data Area

    Catalog objects displayed in one of the catalog layouts.

  • (C) Catalog main controls

    Control buttons enabling you to perform some basic catalog operations.

    Note: Some actions may be customized specifically just for a particular catalog.

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Catalogs perform these basic functions:

  • Objects Overview

    Catalogs provide a concise overview of business objects. They can be used to arrange, sort and filter information for maximum display efficiency.
    The administrator / customizing person may choose to make only some of the information (contained in objects of a particular business object type) available to some users.

    For instance, using the Person business object available to all users, the administrator can create catalogs such as the ones below and make them available to the interested users only.

    • Email addresses with just names and addresses.
    • Phone lists.
    • All contact information for persons in a particular location, etc.
  • Search

    Catalog is the place where catalog searches are conducted.

  • Entry point for object editing and other operations

    Context menu in a catalog provides important tools for working with business objects (edit, create, copy etc.).

    In reference catalogs, inplace editing may be enabled on some columns. This way attribute values can be changed without the need to open the object in an editor.

Note: Catalogs are usually accessed from the Sidebar InfoObject.

In This Chapter

Catalog Layouts

Main Controls


Catalog Legend

Basic Catalog Operations

See Also

Valuemation User Interface

What Do You Want to Do?

The Toolbar

My Profile

Working with Bookmarks

Business Views


