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Views (Editors) are custom-defined forms displaying data contained in or referred by one instance of a business object type. An editor is launched whenever a business object needs to be edited or created.

In Valuemation, editors are also referred to as views. Although in most cases the terms are used interchangeably, the following minute distinction can be made:

  • Editors are views used for editing and creation of business objects.
  • The term Views includes also search views and reference views.

All types of view can be created and customized using the View Customizer.

The Editors/Views perform these basic functions:

  • Object display

    You open an editor (usually from a catalog) to get an overview of data displayed in one business object. Special "small" views (called Reference views) can be defined. Reference views are used as part of an editor to display data in contained in an object referenced by the main object of the editor.

  • Data entry and modification

    Editors are used for entering new data. This can be additional information about objects already existing in the database or new objects creation. Checks can be performed to ensure data consistency and compliance with business rules in use.

  • Field Search

    Field Search is a term used in Valuemation for a user friendly way of searching in catalogs. For this functionality special views can be defined. These views usually contain a limited number of fields most likely to be used to perform regular searches. They then get displayed in the upper part of a catalog window. For more information, please refer to the Searching/Filtering in Catalogs chapter.

  • Column Search

    It is possible to perform the Column Search in Reference Catalogs the same way the search can be applied in the catalog.

  • Expert Search

    The Expert Search uses a table-like interface allowing any attribute to be used for searching. While performing the search is not as straightforward as in Field Search, the search options within the Expert Search are greatly enhanced.

Note: Pressing 'Enter' on most of the fields in the Editor starts the default action (e.g. Save).

In This Chapter

Catalog vs. Editor

Structure of the Editor: The Classic View

Structure of the Editor: The Section View

Editors in Detail

See Also

Valuemation User Interface

What Do You Want to Do?

The Toolbar

My Profile

Working with Bookmarks

Business Views


