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Sidebar & Smart Tiles Rendering

Here you can enable or disable the objects count so that the number of objects in the catalog would be displayed beside the catalog name in the Sidebar InfoObject in Valuemation Web Client. You can define a specific condition for the objects count and to highlight the catalog tree node if the objects count is not zero.

The Sidebar Rendering tab contains the following options:

  • Show Count

    If selected, the catalog will be rendered in the Sidebar InfoObject along with the count of objects matching the catalog query and optionally the 'special count', too. See also the 'Additional Query' below.

    Note: More sidebar catalog rendering options can be found in Global Settings > Sidebar Settings.

  • Show in Bold

    If selected, the catalog name and count(s) will be rendered in bold when special count is defined and it is > 0, otherwise when count > 0.

  • Additional Query

    You can specify an additional query along with its description. If specified, the catalog will be rendered in the Sidebar InfoObject together with 'special count', which is the count of objects matching this additional query.

Important note: Adding too many or too complex sidebar catalog renderings may impose a high load on the database, especially if the sidebar is used concurrently by many users. For this reason it is highly advisable to limit the use of sidebar renderings to your most important catalogs.

See Also

Structure of the Catalog Customizer

General Tab

Columns Tab

Query Tab

Tree Layout Tab

Rendering Conditions Tab

Translations Tab

Modules Tab

History Conditions Tab

MultiLine Designer Tab

Catalog Calendar Usage

Tree Filter

Quick Search
