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History Conditions Tab

The History Conditions tab allows to specify default filtering of the catalog according to object validity, i.e. the Valid From - Valid To values. This type of filtering can only be applied to Time Related object types. Consequently, the History Conditions tab is present only when a catalog based on a time related object type is being edited.

The settings have the following meanings:

  • Current

    Catalog displays only currently valid objects (current date falls between Valid From / Valid To).

  • Historic

    Catalog displays only objects which were valid in the past (current date falls after Valid To).

  • All objects

    Catalog displays both currently valid objects and objects which were valid in the past.

TRL behaviour of catalogs in the 'select' mode

When a catalog is opened in the 'select' mode (also referred to as 'browse' mode), the following condition combinations apply:

  • Current: catalog displays all currently valid objects minus objects that are currently already linked within the relation for which browsing is performed.
  • All: catalog displays all objects (regardless of their current validity) minus objects that are currently already linked within the relation for which browsing is performed. Thus 'all' does not literally mean all object in this context.

See Also

Structure of the Catalog Customizer

General Tab

Columns Tab

Query Tab

Tree Layout Tab

Rendering Conditions Tab

Translations Tab

Modules Tab

MultiLine Designer Tab

Catalog Calendar Usage

Tree Filter

Sidebar & Smart Tiles Rendering

Quick Search
