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Rendering Conditions Tab

The Rendering Conditions tab allows you to specify that certain entries in the catalog should be emphasized visually to differentiate them from other entries.

Help Image
A rendering condition defined for the "Persons" catalog.

The Rendering Conditions tab is divided into the following sections:

  • Lower section

    Here standard Valuemation method for defining a condition (see Search in Valuemation) is available. Once a condition has been defined in this section, an entry is made in the list in the upper section.

  • Upper section

    Here the specific formatting for the entries which meet the condition is specified.

The columns found in the upper section are used to specify the formatting:

  • Condition

    Condition definition.

  • Font

    Font to be used for the text.

  • Bold

    Whether the text will be displayed in Bold face.

  • Italic

    Whether the text will be displayed in Italics.

  • Size

    Size of the font.

  • Font Color

    Color for the text itself.

  • Background Color

    Color for the background.

  • Icon

    Catalog Icon displayed with objects matching the condition.

Note: The order of rendering conditions may influence the behaviour of the rendered catalog. For this reason, the order is stored in the database (database tables AMT_RENDCONDITION, AMT_RENDUSERCOND, column ORDERING) and is used when the rendering conditions are read from the database.

See Also

Structure of the Catalog Customizer

General Tab

Columns Tab

Query Tab

Tree Layout Tab

Translations Tab

Modules Tab

History Conditions Tab

MultiLine Designer Tab

Catalog Calendar Usage

Tree Filter

Sidebar & Smart Tiles Rendering

Quick Search
